Recently had a rare opportunity to get a photo of my grown children together, both looking fantastic, at a wedding. Don't they both have the greatest smile? *love them*

My son happened to be a guest at a wedding that my daughter and I photographed, here's a photo I snapped of them. Love this!

Newborn and family session

Recently had the pleasure of photographing a young family whose Daddy is a soldier... and it's so obvious that he treasures his family just as much as they do, him! Baby G just had her 1 month birthday, and little Miss K kept kissing her baby sister... it just doesn't get any sweeter than this! What a precious, loving family...

Precious and sweet!

truly beautiful...

just can't get any cuter!

these two adorable little girls are just SO sweet

I love newborn and family sessions... kids grow up so fast!

collage cards are SO COOL!
We have lots of multiple image card choices available online, as well, since often it's nearly impossible to choose only ONE picture. Especially for those of us with grandchildren... the collage options are just perfect!

Time to plan your Holiday cards

Well, it's almost mid-November (ALREADY!) and if you're going to send out Christmas or New Year's photo cards, you'd best be tending to it! We've got the templates online, ready for dropping your picture(s) in, and customizing with your names or personal messages. Go to and you'll find it's a pretty easy task!

I know I've saved the photo cards received over the years... and I doubt I'm alone in that. They're just so adorable, photos of friends from far away... and they always make me smile!

So, spread the joy with your own special creation!

Christmas cards can be whimsical

Christmas cards can be whimsical
here's one idea....

Senior session at Camp Cheerful

Recently had a VERY fun time photographing Meghan B., a terrific young lady who'll be graduating in the spring. She volunteers at Camp Cheerful, working with the horse therapy program for challenged kids.
You know how sometimes you get such a positive 'vibe' from someone, you just know they're a good person...? Well, that's the feeling that this sweet girl inspires.

Absolutely lovely...

One of the horses Meghan works with at Camp Cheerful

weather was perfect...

Lovely Meghan

Falls Family Group Portrait

This summer, I joined the team at Falls Family Photography Studio, as their primary wedding photographer. Michelle is great to work with, and we hope to each contribute to the other's success as time goes by.
Here's a family portrait I photographed for the studio, to help out in one of the busiest times of the year (so far!)
Molly and her family were fun, and terrifically cooperative, and even the weather behaved... it had been forecast to be a rainy day, so we lucked out.

Molly and her family

gram and gramps and all the grandkids

the whole family!

big personality in a little bundle

Four Generations!

Photos from the Women's Endowment Fund Dinner & Auction

Photos from the Women's Endowment Fund Dinner & Auction
signs at the entrance explain a little of what the funds are used for throughout the year, for the betterment of women and children in difficult circumstances

Lovely Christmas theme

Lovely Christmas theme
each table was graced with a low arrangement, and a single taper... elegant and classy!

Hand Painted goblets for sale

Hand Painted goblets for sale
The purchase of the glass included a wine ticket, and they were very popular throughout the evening

from the Rape Crisis Center

from the Rape Crisis Center
here's the angel atop the Angel of Hope tree, donated by the Medina Rape Crisis Center

Tree donated by Lemonberry

Tree donated by Lemonberry
covered in gift cards from the yogurt shop just off the square... yummy!

Women's Endowment Board Members

Women's Endowment Board Members
what a friendly group of professional females, they know how to get the job done!

Linda (Eyssen) Loveless, WEF President

Linda (Eyssen) Loveless, WEF President
Linda very capably kept the activities of the evening running smoothly

Hand-painted Wine goblets by Sue Simmons

Hand-painted Wine goblets by Sue Simmons
these were just beautiful!

Paul Emerson, Auctioneer

Paul Emerson, Auctioneer
several high value items were offered for live auction... how exciting!

Festival of Trees 2012

Had the pleasure of photographing the fundraiser dinner and auction presented by the Medina County Women's Endowment Fund... the first Christmas-y event of the year, for me, anyway. The many trees and lovely gift baskets which had been donated by a large list of donors filled tables extending three-quarters of the way around the banquet hall! Held at Weymouth Country Club in Medina, this event raised a substantial amount of money, which will be used to better women's and children's lives who are unfortunately facing difficult circumstances. This group of professional women accomplish a great deal of good!
I did participate in the raffle for an Ipad 2, but another gal one it, and from her ear to ear smile, I'd say she was really happy about her prize! And, I'm very happy for her.

First In, First Out

WOW has this ever been a busy Fall season! Had several graduating seniors, plus several families, waiting for the leaves to burst into color before scheduling their sessions. Plus a wedding at the very end of September, and of course the major editing that goes along with all these things. It was shoot shoot shoot while the leaves were in their glory... then Hurricane Sandy came along and knocked the majority of what was left down.... and that's the end of color season! Almost everyone got their sessions in... only two or three will have to reschedule for the spring, or perhaps a trip to the Rainforest, which is always fun. Love getting the work, just wish it didn't have to all come at the same time, right? lol However, I'm now beginning to dig out from under the pile of work, and am filling orders as they come in. Please be aware, some of the gift items and albums come from New York, and our friends and suppliers there are dealing with power outages, flooding, gas rationing, etc. etc. so those items may be on indefinite delay.
If you are a praying person, say a prayer or two for those folks who lost their homes, their possessions, and in some cases, tragically lost family members due to the hurricane and its aftermath. The Eastern seaboard will be in recovery from this devastating storm for quite some time. In this perspective, our little frustrations and delays are miniscule, compared to what our neighbors to the North and East are dealing with.

That said, please be aware that if you want your orders completed in time for Christmas gifting, get them to me asap. The orders are completed in the order they are received, so if you plan to use them for gifts, don't wait... as others will undoubtedly get their orders in before yours, and I don't want anyone to be disappointed! I'm working on filling orders every single day, but if you wait to place your order, it may be too late.


Hope you've been able to enjoy the outdoors this season. June-July-August seem to go by SO much faster than the dreary winter months, don't they? Summertime means swimming, picnics, maybe a trip somewhere (near or far), sandals, sunscreen, and LOTS of photo opportunities! Here are a few basic tips for helping avoid the 'deer in the headlights' and 'cheeeeeeeese' for the camera type pictures.
Keep the camera handy, batteries charged, and ready to go. You can't take pictures, otherwise! Cell phone pictures are getting better than they used to be, but for the most part, even the most basic cameras create a better image file than almost all cell phones. Where you REALLY see the difference is if you print them in any size larger than 4x6. I LOVE putting photos on the wall, and that usually means 8x10 at the very least, and usually 11x14 or bigger. Bigger prints always look SO much better on the wall!


Something to do

Get your subjects involved in some kind of activity... this will give you a refreshing change from the same old, same old "cheeeeeeeese' for the camera pictures.


Let your pictures tell the story

Shoot different perspectives: close up for faces, wide shots for activity overview, and very very close for those tiny details. Your photos can tell the story of who, what, when, where, and why.

Get the 'sillies' out with some funny face pics, then ask for some 'regular' faces. Make it fun! Even little bitty kids love to look at silly faces, and this can sometimes extend their attention span by a few minutes.

getting the sillies out is fun!


Don't forget your movie mode!

Most cameras these days (and most cell phones) have movie capability. Get the kids running, jumping, playing at the playground, riding their bikes... whatever the acitivity, you can shoot at least a little video. However, almost all video files from current cameras are too small to print, so be sure and shoot some still images, too.

Enjoy your Summer... or, what's left of it! We'll be welcoming Fall before we know it. I've already got two family portraits booked for October, with families desiring the beautiful Autumn colors as backdrop for their group photos. I love Summer, but I always look forward to the Fall, as well.

Lester Rail Trails, with some of the grandkids

Had an opportunity over the weekend to check out the Lester Rail Trails, which is part of the Medina County Parks System. It was absolutely terrific, and a free event! If you've got little ones in the family (or even if you don't) you might want to check out their webpage... the next free event is in September. They do accept donations, to help maintain the tracks and trains, but it's free to RIDE ON the miniature trains! Everyone we spoke with there was just delightful, and the people were really enjoying themselves, grownups and children alike. They did have some beverages and snacks available, but if you brought your own, that was okay too. Of course, you can't take anything with you on the train ride, so they have provided a barrel for trash just before you climb aboard! All in all, it was a great excursion, and if you have anyone in the family who likes trains, you really should check it out. This is a FREE activity, and truly worthwhile. It's on Lester Road in York Township.

Watch for this sign on Lester Road

my favorite car has always been the little red caboose!

this one is really a steam engine!

little ones waiting to ride

here's the whole family: Devra is holding Jonny, and standing next to her is Richie. Standing in front of Richie is Owen, and to Owen's right is Abigail. This is the 'other side' of my family, and they are so precious to me. Thanks for inviting me along, guys!

Jim Gill at Sharon Center's Town Circle

Jim Gill at Sharon Center's Town Circle
Arts Week just keeps getting better! This is Jim Gill, whose free concert was last night at the Town Circle in Sharon Center. His combination of stories and songs was most enjoyable... to the point that I bought 2 of his CD's! Honestly, this week has been so much fun, searching out the different locations for these concerts... and every one of them FREE! If you're interested in catching one of tonight's events, check out the website of the Medina County Arts Council, where you'll find the schedule posted. (Scroll down a few posts for the link.)
And of course, everyone is looking forward to the final event: Art in the Park! A juried art show, the quality of the art available for viewing and purchase is phenomenal. It's rain or shine, the vendors set up in tents, for protection from either the bright sun, or any raindrops that happen to come along. Well worth a drive out to Medina's Historic Town Square. Snacks and beverages are usually available as fund raiser for various groups as well, and at reasonable prices.
A terrific family-friendly way to spend a Sunday afternoon, they do prohibit strollers within the show, because of the number of people likely to attend.

Mike Harris with lunchtime music for the children

Mike Harris with lunchtime music for the children
This is Mike Harris, who provided guitar music for the children (and their parents) at the Gazebo in Medina's Square on Thursday. Very enjoyable!

JB Firestone Park, Spencer, Ohio

JB Firestone Park, Spencer, Ohio
Tennis courts, at least two ball fields, a gazebo, two pavilions (one with electricity and restrooms, unlocked when very reasonable rental fee is paid)

The 'Island Doctor' is IN!

Took a very pleasant drive out to JB Firestone Park in Spencer yesterday evening, for another of the Medina Arts Week concerts. What a great show this fellow put on! Quite talented with both voice and his instrument, he has the true heart of an entertainer. Over the course of the evening, he played covers of songs by Kenny Chesney, James Taylor, Simon and Garfunkel, Carly Simon, and of course, no 'islands' music collection could possibly be complete without several selections from Jimmy Buffet. One somewhat surprising addition to his repertoire is a song by the 70's group, Bread, which he has 'Island Doctored' in a most refreshing way. Another surprising thing about his music is that it's all accomplished by his guitar, which is hooked up to a synthesizer of sorts, and he can make it sound like steel drums, mandolin, violin, trumpets... and the list goes on! Part way through his concert, he took a few minutes to demonstrate, and it was pretty impressive.
If you get a chance to see The Island Doctor, just do it! You'll enjoy it immensely. He said that he does a lot of gigs up around the Port Clinton, Catawba Island area in the summer, and winters, he heads south to where it's warm (smart man!) so that he can 'keep the flip flops on nine months of the year.' Great plan!
Remember, all the concerts in the Arts Week series is free, so check out their website and head out... bring a folding chair, since some of the parks have benches, and some don't. The ground does get pretty hard when you're sitting for 90 minutes or so. :-)

Jazz Tan Laundry

Jazz Tan Laundry
Good size crowd really seemed to be enjoying the jazz sounds of Jazz Tan Laundry

Parsons and Polk

Parsons and Polk

Great Music by Parsons and Polk

On Monday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the free concert in the Medina Town Square, part of Medina County Arts Week. Parsons and Polk put on a great show, playing their electrified acoustic guitars, as well as a harmonica, and even pulling out a 'train whistle' for their rendition of a Johnny Cash classic.
Every night this week, there will be programs at the Gazebo, as well as functions on different evenings at the Sharon Town Circle, and the Brunswick Rec Center. For more information, go to . Lots of free and fun things to do, see, or listen to this week in Medina County. Enjoy!!

It's Arts Week in Medina County

It's Arts Week in Medina County
all this week, there are free children's events at 12:30 at Medina's Gazebo


Native American Lifestyle by John Burke

The children were all ears while Mr. John Burke described the clothing, customs, and traditions of Native Americans who lived in this area (yes, northeast Ohio!) roughly two hundred years ago. He showed them some sign language, and shared that the reason sign language was so important, was that there were SO MANY different Native American tribes, and each had their own spoken language.

Dressed in traditional clothing, he explained what his garments were made of, and made for, and why. Did you know that before they had and used beads, they made decorative bits for their clothing, shoes, and some other accessories, out of porcupine quills? Neither did I! And that they got the quills by throwing a piece of fabric over the porcupine (they don't run very fast) then grabbing it back. Because of the natural hook on the end of the quill, there were always some quills stuck to their fabric when the porcupine went on his way. This was one of many well-told descriptions of life as a Native American of two centuries ago.

Newest E-session: Paul and Stephanie!

Here are a few of my favorite images from Paul and Steph's engagement session at their favorite park...


What a beautiful location for photos... and a great time, late in the day with those loooooong shadows! So cool!

Stephanie's daughter Elianna had some good ideas for pictures, too



What a great couple! Looking forward to photographing their wedding soon... it's going to be
SUCH fun!

D800! wow is the only word that fits...

Went to Columbus for product training today... and got my hands on Nikon's newest full frame camera, the D800! Beefy and solid, some people would consider it too heavy, but it had the feel of a real workhorse, which, of course, is exactly what it is. It's got full HD video, naturally, and many other features that will make it a fantastic camera for pros and dedicated amateurs alike. They are starting to ship now... mostly to the prepaid orders, for the time being. The price ($2,999.99, body only) is a bit of an ouch, but then, it is a phenomenal camera. And you can't get a Jaguar for the price of a VW.... it kind of works that way. For those who need a camera of this caliber, it's appropriately priced, at half the price of Nikon's flagship DSLR, the D4 ($5,999.99, body only). It was definitely fun to handle it, and when the shutter fires, it's got that nice sold NIKON sound....

Creating background blur

One of the things I get asked about fairly often, is how to make the background blurry in an image. This is accomplished by using a wide open aperture (aka fstop) on the camera, sometimes by using specialty lenses, and focusing fairly close to the subject desired to be sharp in the image. The open aperture creates a shallow depth of focus, or depth of field, and allows the background to go soft. There are lenses available which have a maximum aperture of 2.8 (for zooms) or 1.8, 1.4, and even 1.2 prime (non-zoom) lenses. The lower the number, the shallower the depth of field when used wide open, creating that gorgeous, creamy bokeh, and, the higher the price tag. However, as you can see from the examples below, the look can be created (usually to a lesser degree of softness) even with an all-around lens like the 18-200 VR. The key is using the lens wide open.
Another way to achieve the look, without making as big an investment in a specialty lens, is with a close-up filter set. These come in sets of three filters, marked with different levels of magnification. They are threaded right onto your regular lens, and can be stacked in different combinations, to achieve the desired effect. Depending on what size you need to fit on whatever lens you have, these close-up sets might run $40-$80, substantially less than the $400-$1,400 that the 'fast glass' lenses cost. Naturally, the expensive lens is going to produce higher quality images, and be more versatile, but if you just want to experiment a bit, the close-up set can get you started. The filters are great if you're taking photos of flowers, or spider webs, or such things, but aren't really suitable for people pictures. They are for close up use (you probably got that clue from the name....) for small subjects. But, they can be fun to use, and give you a different look to your pictures. Enjoy!

This was taken with a 18-200 Nikon VR lens, the tent in the background is for an outdoor wedding reception.

Spring blossoms with other branches and open sky behind. This image was created using a 50mm 1.8 lens, and a close-up filter set.

While the rose is in focus, the other elements in the image are softly out of focus. 18-200 VR lens.

And it's a great look for portraits, too! 18-200 VR lens.

Time for Fireworks photos!

With all the summer fairs and festivals, and the Fourth of July fast approaching, here are a few quick tips for getting good fireworks pictures.

First and foremost, you'll want to use a tripod. The slow shutter speeds necessary for fireworks photos are way too slow to handhold. Having a flashlight can be very helpful, since you're going to be working in the dark. Enough said.
If you're using a point and shoot camera, check to see if it has a fireworks setting in its preset modes. If it does, great! If not, try using the landscape mode. Both of these preset modes use a long focusing distance, and turn off the flash. The fireworks mode also turns down the ISO, one advantage over the landscape mode. If yours is one of the many which has some manual settings (but no fireworks mode), check to see if you can turn down the ISO yourself. Contrary to what you might expect, you want to use a low ISO, because, while the sky is dark, the actual subject of the photos, the fireworks, are very bright.

If you're using a DSLR, you'll want to put it into manual focus, and focus at infinity (all the way out). Then, you'll want to put the camera in manual (M) mode, which allows you to take control of the shutter speed and the f-stop (aperture). You'll want to use the lowest ISO possible: 100 if your camera has that setting, or 200 if that's the lowest it goes. (The low ISO setting minimizes visible noise in your images.)

Here's where a little testing comes in. A good starting point is to set your aperture at f8, and your shutter speed at 8 seconds. Take your first picture, even without a burst, and see how the sky registers in your picture. If the sky looks too light, you can adjust accordingly. A good rule of thumb is to not use an aperture tighter than f16, because you'll start to lose sharpness (due to diffraction). Try adjusting one full fstop at a time, until you get the sky dark enough to allow the firework trails and bursts to show up well. If you get to f16, and your sky is still too bright, then adjust your shutter speed. Keep in mind that several seconds of the shutter being open will allow not only the burst, but the trail of light preceding it, to be recorded in your image. If you're close enough to where they're being set off, you may hear a 'whoosh' and that's your cue to press your shutter button. In all the excitement, remember to squeeze it, not poke it, so that you'll not cause movement of the camera. Some people like to use a remote for fireworks, but I've not found it to be necessary.
Lastly, while the 'grand finale' is wondrous to behold, it's often too 'busy' to photograph well. Several bursts can look great, but lots and lots of them just looks messy.

Have fun, and good luck with your fireworks photography!

too much light in the sky... adjust your ISO lower to make the sky darker, which allows the fireworks to show up better


Too long a shutter speed, too many bursts... unless you like to see the 'smoke'



beautifully sparkly rings!

LOVE the infrared! So dreamy....

a quiet moment...

A rainbow was a special blessing!

This image is one of Rich's signature shots... so, this one's for him!


Jeremy and Lynnette tied the knot on June 2, and what a happy occasion it was! I just love Lynnette's beautiful Greek-inspired hairstyle, and she couldn't have been more elegant in her lace-overlay wedding gown. I've known Jeremy for a number of years, and have never seen him happier or more content. And, he cleans up pretty well! Congratulations to the happy couple, and to adorable Imbri, who was a real trooper despite her tender age. Bravo!

Another fun senior session!

Spent an enjoyable hour or so with lovely Alyssa, getting great portraits showing off her terrific
personality and beautiful smile.

Three of the 'Grands'

Left to right, Cameron, Carson, and Katelynn. This lasted about three minutes, just long enough to snap about 4 pictures, so that I could hope to have one good one with everyone's eyes open! We had fun playing outside, swinging on the swings, and running up and down the hill.
What a great day!

Senior Erica

Erica P. is a lovely graduating senior, and recently chose her favorite photos from our session back in early autumn. Best wishes for a bright future, Erica!

Thinking of having a family portrait taken?

Give a little thought to what your family will wear for the session. Coordinating the colors and styles a little bit will noticeably improve the look of your portrait, taking it from the look of an 'impromptu snapshot' to a more professional looking image you'll be proud to hang on your wall. It's not difficult to do, and it will improve the effect tremendously.

coordinated casual

As you can see, this family looks 'together', obviously a family group. It doesn't have to be fancy, or expensive, to create the impression of being united.

try to be either all casual or all dressy

Some in dressy clothes, some in casual, lessens the effect of the family portrait, causing it to look unplanned and 'thrown together.'

As you can see, the outfits need not be exactly the same, but basically coordinating the colors and styles will serve to give your family a look that says 'together'.


Hope your Easter was blessed, and that you had a chance to reflect, at some point, about the true reason we have Easter. It's not about the bunny, or the eggs, or the baskets of candy... it's about Jesus taking the sins of every single person in the entire world on Himself, and dying in our place, so that we can have eternal life.
And all we have to do is accept His gift...

more Spring blossoms

These were taken with a 50mm 1.8 lens, with a +4 close up filter attached... a true macro would likely have done a better job, but that's not in the budget... and I'm pretty pleased with these results.

another graduating senior

This young man is Andrew, whose photos were taken back in October. They finished making their selections recently, and here are a few samples... a very nice young man.

Happy Second Birthday, Carson

Happy Second Birthday, Carson
Can't believe Carson is already two years old! We had a nice little family party, with Elmo as our co-host, in the form of a giant balloon... I think all kids love balloons.... Daddy had to help remind Cameron that the presents were Carson's not's tough when your little brother is getting a lot of toys that YOU want to play with, too! Lots of fun when everyone decided to share.


Dolphin Leaping

I've FINALLY found this picture... I've been looking for it for several years. It was taken in Cancun, when Rich and I swam with the dolphins... I had a little underwater digital camera with us, and was SO happy to have gotten this shot! Since the camera didn't have a fast reaction time, it was very hit or miss...


Finally had a few minutes to get outside to shoot a little bit... I don't have many blossoms (only one flowering tree) so I went to a local park. The flowers smelled so good!

kids and cars...

Another fun day with the grandkids... today they were riding their little battery-powered cars around the cul-de-sac... it was a road rally for the neighborhood preschoolers! Carson rode with 'sissy' sometimes, and with Cam sometimes, and they all had a blast!

A New Affiliation!

Very good news! After meeting with Michelle and Joseph Caggiano, owners of Falls Family Photography Studio in Olmsted Falls, we've decided to work together. Their studio specializes in family, infant, senior, and sports photography, but wanting to provide the full range of photographic services, they needed to add a wedding photographer to the team. And that would be me! They are a lovely couple, very family-oriented, and with a true dedication to providing high-quality portraiture in the North Olmsted/Olmsted Falls area. After viewing their lovely studio space in historic Grand Pacific Junction, I found myself thrilled to hear they love my work, and want me to be their wedding specialist. I am SO excited! We'll be meeting again soon, to work out the details and compare calendars.
If you happen to be near the Grand Pacific Junction shopping district in Olmsted Falls, be sure to stop in and say hello to Michelle and Joe, & welcome them to the area. You may also get to meet their four beautiful children, who were the initial inspiration for Michelle's venture into exquisite infant portraiture... and the rest, as they say, is history!

Continuing with the Spring theme, here's a dragonfly photo that Rich shot several years ago... he was really happy with it, as those dragonflies don't stay still long enough to get a shot at them very often!

pretty butterfly

In the spirit of Spring, here's a photo taken at the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls.

Recognize this plant?

In case you've not seen it before, you may find this interesting. This is what cotton looks like when it's nearly ready to be harvested from the fields. These photos were taken in October of 2008, in Alabama. My mom and dad both picked cotton as children, on the family farms. I got to 'chop cotton' (actually chop the weeds away from the cotton plants) as a child, helping out on my grandparents' farm, but had never seen it at this stage, because we didn't happen to visit them in the Fall. And that cotton field goes on, as far as you can see...
Kinda cool, huh?

Grand Pacific Junction Wedding Revisited

So excited at the possibility of affiliating with another small business, owned and operated by a couple. Can't put any details out there, as they've not yet been worked out, but this has the potential to be a win/win combination that benefits everyone, especially potential customers! Should be meeting with them soon, they seem like SUCH nice people...

Family/Maternity Session coming up!

One of my favorite families is about to welcome their second little one into the world, and I'm so excited to be taking their family portraits soon! They already have a young son, and these photos are going to be just beautiful... incorporating not only family images, but specifically maternity family images. I had the honor of photographing this couple's engagement, wedding, maternity, and newborn sessions, as well as some VERY fun Christmas family photos. And now that Baby Girl is about to make her appearance, we're going to be creating some memorable photos once again.

I went back into the archives and pulled up some images from past maternity sessions, to get those creative thoughts going!
And, just in case you're interested, if you book a maternity session with me, I provide a complimentary newborn session if you book it within a month of baby's arrival!

Have I mentioned lately that I love my job? :-)

Katie's First Dance!

Katie's First Dance!

Katie's first Dance!

She'd been looking forward to it for weeks... the Father/Daughter Dance at her school! Since Daddy was still recovering from the car accident, Pepe (Christina's Dad) stepped in to act as her escort. She got her hair done, Mommy put extra special glittery polish on her nails, and when she slipped into her special dress and fancy shoes, she felt (and looked) like a little princess. Pepe announced that she looked very pretty, and that HE looked pretty, too! And, indeed he did. :-) Time for a couple of quick pictures, and they were off to the dance! How exciting!

More beautiful days? Yes, please!

Yesterday was so nice! Spent the day off at Jer & Christina's house, playing out on the deck with the kids most of the afternoon. 'Papa' (Christina's grandad and all around good guy) cooked Italian Chicken on the grill (making the entire neighborhood smell WONDERFUL) while Christina whipped up some nice summery side dishes inside. After enjoying the meal, Katie and Cam wanted to play outside, so we went out front where they rode their bike and scooter until it was time to go in for bed. Hugs and kisses and sweet goodnights all around, and I think I smiled all the way home. Love my grandkids!!

Photography Services

Remember, if you know anyone in need of photography services, I'm always looking for work so I can support myself. Referrals are always appreciated.
Weddings are my specialty! If you're looking for a special gift for your beloved, Boudoir sessions are a fun way to spice things up a bit! (And, due to the magic of Photoshop, you need not fear those little imperfections that we all have, in one form or another.)

Tre's One!

Tre's One!
happy birthday, little man!

A First Birthday is a big deal!

I had the pleasure of photographing a first birthday party recently, and it was great fun watching little Tre have fun with his little friends, and his new toys. The mommies (and grandmas!) had fun catching up with each other, and the little ones enjoyed running around and playing. Of course, the tasty snacks and birthday cake contributed to everyone's good time, as well!
The party was held at the Community Room of Buehler's in Wadsworth, and what a nice facility for small gatherings. The use of the room is free, with the stipulation that any foods served must be purchased from Buehler's. Not a problem, since they have great fresh foods, a full-service deli and bakery, and just about anything else you could wish for!

Class was a rousing success!

Class was great fun~ we had nine people signed up, and everyone participated with good questions, and showed real interest in the presentation. Everyone received a printout of the details from the powerpoint, to help with retaining the information given (there was a good bit!) We also had a surprise 'quiz' at the end, where folks could earn a little prize for answering my questions correctly. And, of course, the answers had been part of the class material! Everyone had a good time, a few people said they felt their time was well spent. And several people asked if there will be more classes, perhaps on specific camera models, or specific types of photography.
My answer? "I surely hope so!"

Great fun!

New Digital 101 Class tonight at Cord Camera!

This is the first of many, we hope! Classes will be set up as there is demand. This first class has nine people signed up, and I'm really looking forward to helping people learn more about their cameras. The whole idea is to get better pictures, so that's the direction we're going. Photography has brought me so much joy, and it's a hobby that anyone can have fun with. I was ten years old when I got started with it... my first camera purchase was a Polaroid Big Swinger... now THAT'S dating myself, haha!

If you missed this class, and are interested in signing up for the next one, give us a call at Cord, at 330.241.6146

Cord is located inside of Buehler's Grocery, on Rte.18 at River Styx Rd. Stop in sometime, even if it's just to say 'Hello!' Visitors are ALWAYS welcome... :-)

Raquel's Senior Portrait Session

Yes, it was chilly!


Pretty Raquel

Winter Senior Portrait sessions can be FUN!

Raquel is a lovely young woman who, as a January graduate, had her Senior photo session in the winter. While it was a chilly day, it was fun, and different, and TOTALLY Raquel! Since her beau was there offering assistance, we included him in some of the photographs, too, for a sweet combination! Thanks, you two (and Mom and Dad) for a fun afternoon of shooting!

Have to show off the grandkids just a little!

Such a sweet group of little ones...

Personal Family photos, showing off my six beautiful grandbabies!


First wedding of the season ~ Beth and Ed

On May 14, we had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of
beautiful bride Beth and her handsome groom Ed.

This Spring has been very VERY wet, but we were blessed with good weather long enough to get a few photos at the Medina Gazebo before heading over to the reception at Williams on the Lake. And, once we were inside, it really didn't matter that it was pouring outside. What a fun group!

Thursday, March 1, 2012